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Laurence Koo
Life in our country as I'd like it is to be known this time, is about all those actors dealing with
cultural life in my town. I met with Mrs Ntongon Edwige Who is a show performer on several accounts. She was trained to mime with Darius
Adam, then actress, movie star, director and co-founder of   Ngoti Troup. As a driving
force behind finding new talents, she appeals the Youngs, especially young girls.
Mrs.Ntongon considers theater as a means to show women in their active role of efficiency determination in society. Besides, isn't theater a way to body and soul's liberation towards a more secured self-control and self-awareness?

It's now our duty to rencontre, invite youngsters to take part to these readings, training courses, getting them related to theater  That is a good way to enjoy oneself, to cross words with other people, to know oneself better and improve one's mind.

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Laurence - Ntongon Edwige is the model of women success in our country. She's got the intelligence, art and fame to serve as an example to our youth. In a conversation she gave me, 20 - I wanted to know her itinerary since she began in 1976 at the school theater of Yaoundé till today. She's trying to promote a popular theater by arousing young people interest, especially that of young girls for this art that is so rooted in African tradition. She told me about her activity as a formative and dynamic force behind these young people.


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Ntongon Edwige I have introduced to our visitors is undoubtedly in one of her best roles as she tries to lead young people to stage experience. A means to get our cultural and social truth is known.
Ntongon Edwige was   Pierre Chaussat's student in Paris, Blanche Street, and she mixed with famous theater men such as Gérard le Breton, François Ganot and Philippe Dauchez who is the current Director of the National Theater of Mali. Among more that 25 shows in Paris, she 30 - has been seen at the bicentenary of the French Revolution, again in the creation of Brûle Rivière and Jean-Paul Fargean. In d'Avignon , Festival d'Hiver. . .She can be remembered in  Chocolat by Claire Denis and she created a lot of cultural TV programs. Her work as director since 1980, didn't go unnoticed in "Jusqu'à nouvel avis"from  Guillaume Mbia. She's now working on a play called   Clara S. by Austriand author Elfrriede Jelinek, that is going to be the highlight of the International Woman day due in march 8, 2000.
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Laurence - The artist willingly accepted to talk about her experience and training. I particularly took interest in her action towards youngster in order to arouse their interest and vocations. thus giving a great consideration to the theater in our cultural and social life.


Laurence- To rencontres' visitors, this is what she told me:
"Besides my job as actress and director in connection with the professionals of theater and film movies, I wanted as from 1991, that young school pupils be interested in theater art. I use to meet them in neighborhood associations where I'm doing some animation. With a colleague of the National Theater, I founded the Ngoti Company in 1992. And to our credit, we have already 4 creations. This association organizes training courses in stage matters, reading, show sessions and theater tours in several countries. We took part in Fitheb of Bénin."
Laurence- the question I intended to ask the actress was about problems met in its initiative.
''The task is not easy. If the reception and contact with young people as well as their membership to theater are to be taken for granted, we still need premises in which to settle permanent stage activities.
Moreover, there are people and families' prejudices about accepting this activity as a true job. The Ngoti Company has another problem in finding good texts I mean, texts that truly depict the men and women relationships in our society: Woman, as an active party in social relations and no just simply as a mere witness on the social stage, by men's side"
Laurence - I couldn't but give her, an opportunity to launch a big call for her action, which she considers a fight for stage activities.
" I'm cheering up all young girls wishing to work in stage activities, to get in touch with our association. Seeing me at the TV, on stage, in movies, should give them an incitement to stir up a vocation not asserting itself".

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