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Laurence Koo is a Cameroonian woman. She works with several projects in a rural community whose objectives are help the woman  find her autonomy and dignity throught her own effort. Wine
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Few drinks caused as much interest than  wine in every Western civilization field. Wine is present in the meetings as element of conviviality at ceremonies and all the rites, at the occasion of exchanges and  trade, industry and politics,  music, poetry and arts
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The African  continent is still suffering heavy losses in wildlife destruction.
 Nature   All big cats have a unique common predator: man.
Everywhere they are warning
Christian Agboton, an MD specialist, revisits the main medical and health subjets that are for much of us, a topic of reflection and concern in everyday life.
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French Amazonia: Here and there, and troughout the wold , there are human groups who are not in favour of the model of development offered or imposed by Western nations.
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